Thursday, December 27, 2007

Oh The Cards

My four day weekend for Christmas went well this year. While most of it was spent running to family/social events, I did spend a lot of quality time sorting cards and making decks. Also bought a whole slew of cards for Bob and I last night. While I already thought of one thing I forgot to put on my list, this purchase will lead to yet more decks, which is happy.

My cards are almost entirely sorted at this point. I think I have about 400 more creatures to go through, which I will finish tonight. It already feels nice to be able to look in an exact spot to see if I have a card. I can still go through them by hand for ideas, but all of my deck building is done by computer searches anyway, so being able to locate cards quickly is really handy.

Tomorrow is another pay day, and this is the one devoted to clearing out the balance on my Chase card before the 0% interest period ends, so not much excitement to be had. I did get to revise my monthly savings goals upwards though, due to the increased saving I can do with my 0% until 2009 Citi card.

Of course, I might have to revise them back down again if I do splurge on that video card and monitor. I am thinking right now that I'll hold off for a bit until they come down in price. It's not like I am dying for a second monitor at home, since I have two at work, where I spend more of my time. I think I would like to achieve that eventually though. Maybe after I get down to Texas this summer.


Blythe said...

I somehow missed that you're regularly keeping a blog again. Neat!

Andrew said...

Well... semi-regularly anyway. A lot of the posts are nice and boring like this one.

Are you still avoiding publicity online for career reasons?

I miss you guys... congrats on your upcoming move/transfer/whatever!

Blythe said...

Semi-yes. I avoid all references to my real name, and all facebook/myspace type things are completely "friends only" (plus I removed a lot of info). I really do intend to use stale regularly as a photo blog, but I just can't seem to make time to do it.

We miss you too! You better make time to come visit us in Denver. Mountains FTW!