Friday, December 21, 2007

ruby ftw

So today I got paid (at my Java job) to write Ruby. It was quite productive. Made massive improvements to my code generating stuff with Allan today. Solved numerous issues it was having and we nailed down several other bugs in the Java portion of the app dealing with date handling.

I probably should have written this thing in Java, since this place is supposedly a Java shop, and whoever gets the file after me might not know Ruby enough to be able to change it. Then again, Ruby is downright easy to understand and I kept the idioms simple. Actually, thats a lie now that I think about it. I do some things like using here documents, C style inline conditionals, parallel assignments, block passing, and map function abuse, but it's almost hard to write in Ruby without taking advantage of such sugar.

At least I resisted the desire to write a macro for this one thing that kept repeating. Figured no reason to get too crazy.

Tonight is dedicated to Lisping, as Tyler is coming over tomorrow to work on stuff. Hopefully tomorrow will be a likewise productive day.