Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Ice Storm

So the supposedly world-ending ice storm didn't really pan out. It basically got just icy enough to make the trees look cool and the sidewalk slippery. I'm kind of disappointed. Who doesn't like a couple days of simulated apocalypse?

Man I miss my coke. On the other hand, Ceylon Tea is the win.

So I have been utterly worthless these last three days or so. Haven't really done anything, productive or not. Last night I came home and fell asleep at 8. The night before I wasted on a few games of dota and who knows what else. Sunday I just didn't feel like doing anything. Thankfully I woke up at 2pm that day, so there wasn't too much time to waste doing nothing. In my defense, the reason I woke up at 2 was because I stayed up until 9am working on Lorebroker.

Hopefully tonight I'll feel a little more useful.


kushet said...

Wasted on a few games of DotA?


I don't know you anymore.