Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Strange Night

Last night was strange, but generally good.

I got home and sorted my green creatures. (Yeah, I still haven't finished the sorting. All those new cards I bought distracted me.) Then watched a bit of TV. Then started working on some ideas I had for the jQuery UI Dialog library I am using. After submitting two patches to them, it was 12:30 and time for bed.

The strange part was how incredibly awake I was. It took me quite a while to fall asleep (probably 20 mins, versus the normal instant-I-hit-the-pillow), and I woke up probably every 30 mins all night. And not just that quasi-alert-then-back-asleep type of waking... I'm talking full awareness.

Most of it was probably the wind, which was blowing at a steady 35mph and gusting to 50mph all night. Our bedroom is on the northwest corner of the apartment, which is exactly the direction from which the wind was blowing. It was loud and the lid on the bathroom fan exhaust kept clanging. At about 4:30am it got so loud that I went to check the weather, just in case we had some kind of freak unheard-of December tornado.

Of course, being so awake at 4:30am led to me working on Lorebroker a bit more, but I managed to pull away after only 40 mins. The rest of the night (all three hours of it) was equally wakeful.

The really weird part is how rested I feel. I haven't had coffee in two days and I just feel very alert. It's kind of nice.