Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I hate clever titles

I almost put some stupid pseudo-witty title on this entry, and then remembered that I downgrade people in my mental intelligence hierarchy (oh yes, I maintain one of those) for that kind of crap.

Quoting yourself seriously, using 'lol' to end a sentence, and claiming your life is hard! no one understands me! will also get you downgraded. Thankfully, by avoiding MySpace, I can generally avoid these symptoms of Eternal September. (As if you were smart/unique enough to be incomprehensible!)

Yeah, today I'm feeling cynical.

I got a lot of mental clutter cleaned up last night. Laundry and other chores got done, bills got paid, groceries got bought, etc. I also got some more magic cards bought on ebay. I will now have real Tinkers with which to cheatily whip out Memnarch!

I also started maintaining a To-do list on my Google home page. Tonight's chores involve sorting Magic cards (which I mostly avoided this weekend), and a couple more ebay auctions.

Oh man, lunch soon!

Well over 300 cards on the way to me now. For once I'll get something good in the mail. Man I can't wait for this long weekend to come. I will partake in so much nerdiness! Lisp/Erlang/Ruby ftw...