Monday, November 26, 2007

Death to Turkey

Just for the record, "three thanksgiving dinners" is both a blessing and a curse. Yay to excellent food and people... boo to two days of turkey and stomach aches.

Absolutely no card sorting happened this weekend. I did however log about 18 hours on the magic site, which is tentatively online (in a very very alpha state) at You can't really do much yet, but just getting it up in any form involved a lot of setup and deployment overhead, which doesn't really reflect in the site itself, but required a lot of time. Thankfully all that effort will make future deployments that much faster and more automated.

I learned quite a bit about Capistrano recipe writing, which is pretty neat. I had to rearrange my subversion repo to optimize that some, and got my cap setup all organized. Also took me about four hours to figure out how to automate the building and proper deployment of the bcrypt-ruby library, but it works like a charm now. Encrypted passwords for the win.

I have quite the to-do list just from talking to harry about it this morning. Makes me wish I was at home so I could work on it. Don't really want to risk mixing it in with my day job though.

I really do get more done when I am tag teaming something with someone else than I do on my own. It's just so much easier to get started when I have someone to which I am responsible in some way. Maybe that is the fundamental flaw in a day job in cubicle-land... it's too easy to be ignored and left to one's own devices. That, and my personal gain from a job well done is basically limited to keeping my job. It's not even the potential money gain that drives the personal projects to be interesting. It's creating something useful and cool.