Thursday, October 18, 2007


Op, another week went by.

I have been entirely occupied by Magic in one form or another for the last seven days. Some of those days were spent playing with Bob and Mark. Some were spent working on the site (much setup and an organized fresh start). Some have been consumed by sorting and deck making. The rest have been spent reading the Time Spiral books. It's so nice to be back into Magic world again.

I have had relatively little to do in preparation for tomorrow. In one sense I look forward to getting it over with. I figure there can be three outcomes, and I am perfectly happy with two of the three, and the third option isn't that terrible. On the other hand, I hate dealing with crap like this. It'd be nice if I didn't have to bother with giving notice, but that is a quick way to ruin a reference.

I actually caught myself today being kind of repulsed by YC News. The whole startup idea has gotten so trendy, and I have this weird aversion to all things trendy. I know it's kind of irrational. There are more startups because it is cheaper and easier than ever to do it, but my contrarian vein continues. Not like I can really talk anyway, as I have been sitting on an idea for nearly two years now. While I have made limited progress in that time, mostly I have wasted it. I know I will regret it someday if I never follow through on this. I just keep finding financial reasons to put it off. At least with the banishment of DotA I seem to be able to work on things during my evenings and weekends now. Here is hoping for some productive time!

Wish me luck tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

They'll be sad, maybe try a counter offer? and hopefully wish you godspeed.
Valuable, dependable employees are hard to find, particularly if they are bright, have an agreeable attitude, and are team players.
They'll miss you.

Anonymous said...

Good luck mate, Awkwards situations can be fun at least, gets your blood pumping, wee! If there is anything I can do to help yeh with the site let me know, I don't do much sitting around in poor ville
