Wednesday, October 10, 2007


So I can't help listening to Feel Good Inc. by the Gorillaz nonstop today. Today is the best day in a long time for me. I can't divulge details just yet, but let me just say I am overjoyed!

Whee happy music!

I made good on my promise to work out last night, and am suitably sore to prove it. The little gym at our apartment complex is decent, but it definitely lacks a curl bar and a decent place to do dips and situps. I managed about a dozen dips on the treadmill bars, but the belt is too close to my knees and I can't go down properly. Settled for tricep extensions instead. The lack of a curl bar prevents me from doing skull crushers or barbell curls, which I enjoy as a way to end my workout, but I'll deal with it since the place is included in my rent. I can always do situps under the couch anyway.

My new office chair is positively delightful. Sometimes I just go sit in it for no reason other than feel that relaxed feeling for a few minutes. It takes all the tension out of my back and definitely makes me a happy camper.

Anoche soñe con unos amigos españoles. Ellos estaban hablando totalmente en ingles, y yo en español, asi que nadie se podia entender. Ademas, estabamos en el medio del puente en Ronda, y hacia lluvia, pero nadie se daba frio, y el mar estaba cerca (a pesar de que el mar no este cerca de Ronda). Fue 2005 tambien... por que todos los amigos eran mis amigos de España en 2005. Que raro!

Pues, me voy! Que todo se lo pase bien!


Bob said...

everytime I come here I end up regretting it when I see that damn dirty gooback speak.