Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Oil Change

So I have been telling myself that I will get up early and go have my oil changed before work ... since last Friday. The problem is, every time 6:15am comes around, I just tell myself "I'll do it tomorrow" and go back to sleep.

I seriously need to stop being lazy.

It was about this time last year that I started this blog in an attempt to motivate myself to get something done. It worked like that for a little while, but after a couple months (and the transition to Spain) I slacked off again. I just realized that I have been in my apartment for two months, and have yet to start working out regularly again. Lame!

Going to correct that when I get home today.

In unrelated news, I got my computer chair last night. It's so nice and comfy. Sitting at my computer is no longer painful after 20 minutes (it replaces a cheapo wooden kitchen chair). That brings me hope of actually getting something productive done in my spare time, assuming I make it through the current gauntlet of birthdays. Seriously, what is with people being born in October and November? Best I can surmise is that we can blame this on Valentine's Day (evil holiday, but that is another rant).