Friday, October 19, 2007

48 Hours

Not 48 hours back to back, but that is how many hours at the current job I have left. Just six days.

(I gave my two week notice, but they let me use my vacation time for last four days, making my last day a Monday.)

It feels good to have that done with. I just need to wrap up my last project before then and hopefully get out of here without any parties or luncheons. I'd rather just say goodbye to people 1-on-1. Group goodbyes are just awkward.

It is amazing how your bosses suddenly talk to you like a normal person when you give your notice. I guess they don't have to tow the line anymore, and can be honest. My former supervisor (who I was about to rejoin on a project) just regaled me with a nice rundown on why this place fell apart and when it happened. Very insightful. If there is any reason to feel bad about my decision, it is leaving him shorthanded.

But mostly I feel good about it. I will have a new project in a new place with new people. One with a clear beginning and end, with a raise to boot. I'll also be closer to home and closer to the University, which I increasingly suspect I will join again in the future for a Ph.D.

Anyway, it's lunchtime now, so I'm going to go get my caffeine fix.


Anonymous said...

A Ph.D. from somewhere is absolutely what you should pursue--
you are the perfect Ph.D. person and it would allow you to use your mind appropriately. Just don't wait too long to do it.
You go!!!!