Wednesday, January 23, 2008


So last night I got home and napped from 5:45-7:30ish, then was up until roughly 1:30-1:45. At 5:30 this morning, my alarm went off, and I was in the Rec Center working out by 6:25. I feel quite victorious actually waking up early to go be healthy. The only downside is that the showers in the Rec Center are beyond cold.

Actually, the other downside is that I'm not quite adjusted to this waking up early thing either. The sleepy feeling is already hitting me.


harry said...

honestly, I'm still not completely adjusted to a biphastic. It's because I ruin it on weekends by sleeping in until 2pm and drinking all night.

Alcohol, even 2 beers, really fucks the cycle up.

However - a good sober week I wake up every morning at 7:20 feeling refreshed and downright happy after a total of 4.5 or 6 hours of sleep

Anonymous said...

I'm up every a.m. at 5, atwork by 6:30,only get to see the sun during the summer time,otherwise it is still dark. And, I feel best if I'm in bed by 9. Must be the body aging thing. Not sure how the biphasic schedule meldss with biological rhythms--particularly corticosteroid production.