Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Last night I went to bed at a slightly early, but mostly normal, 11pm. I had incredibly vivid dreams about being in Spain again, only this time I had to go to high school there. They were very strange. The weirdest thing came at 5:15am, when I woke up and just couldn't fall back asleep.

I got up and had a full breakfast and trolled some news sites. Then I got ready and came to work. I actually got here before the building was unlocked, so I drove around on campus a bit to kill time. At 6:55am I was at my desk, already going.

I am not a morning person, so it was very strange to watch the sun come up.

In completely unrelated news, I read one of the best articles about computer science degrees I have ever seen. I remember being a CS undergrad, wishing that there was more 'real world' and 'applicable' courses. You know, more things like our software engineering class. But now, looking back with good ole 20/20, I can see that the coolest things I learned were Scheme (EECS 662), Operating Systems (EECS 678), and my Kinnersley triplet (EECS 510, 560, and 660). None of these things has direct real world resume value per se, but all of them make me a far better programmer and are far more interesting long-term.