Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Las Primeras Palabras

Ok, yeah, I have a blog suddenly. Despite my past hatred for these blog-in-a-can sites, I have decided to swallow my pride and admit that it IS easier than writing it yourself (and frankly, it's not such a glamorous project anyway) so count me as blogger number thirty six million one hundred ninety six thousand nine hundred forty two. And sadly, that is just on this site. Oh the unedited and poorly researched filth created by and for the masses! I can't wait to write stuff that no one cares about!

This is my last full-time week at work. So far, it has been a caffeine induced ethereal haze of meetings and good-bye luncheons. Free food, so I can't complain. Starting next week, I'll be moving to 20 hours a week of telecommuting... hence my blog title. I plan to use the extra free time to accomplish all sorts of stuff that I have been putting off... like the magic site, making that Warcraft III map, getting in shape, cooking food, vacuuming, etc.

Yes. Vacuuming.

In other news, there remain approximately threeish months until I once again inhabit Spain. I submitted an application to the school online the other day, but haven't heard a response yet, leading me to consider alternate plots such as illegal immigration. Well, not so much illegal as quasi-legal, but I figured I would try and work in a hotbed political topic so as to attract attention from other self-righteous bloggers who have an opinion. What a nefarious trick, luring them here with unimportant-to-anyone-that-isn't-batshit-insane topics like illegal immigration and then serving them a heaping pile of daily Drew thoughts. I am a sneaky bastard. An aspiring Fiburonsk if you will.

I was reading a Wired Blog yesterday and really liked this little tidbit (quoted for you in full).

At the bottom of the Ars Technica article, you'll find the sentence, "Since the RIAA began filing lawsuits against suspected file sharers in 2003, not a single one has gone all the way to trial." Thank you. Not enough people know about that (or, while we're on the topic, that no one has ever even been sued for downloading music, only for sharing it).

You see, I have an intense hatred for the RIAA, so can't resist a good potshot at them. It's like therapy... or something.

Other things you should know about. Google is installing enough solar panels on their main campus to provide 100% of their power needs. Also, Dolly Donut Gems are not near as tasty as Mrs. Freshley's. I have empirical evidence to support that, in the form of my opinion. Take that!

Also of note, sleep is good. I want some of that goodness right about now.

Been trying to catch up on the Ruby on Rails blog today. I have read some neat stuff about ERb Optimization and the new improved Ruby Language site. I plan to spend my remaining hours here reading up on Rails Migrations so I can hopefully work on that a bit tonight.

Well, enough of me for now. I plan to update this daily, more as a means to chronicle my day for myself than for anyone else's pleasure... but you are welcome to follow along. Adios!


Bob said...

haven't bothered to read other blog titles yet, but this had better be the only one witha gooback title!