Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Kathy just compared Blogging to Flossing in the fact that it's hard to consistently do both. So, being brilliant like I am, I go and create a post about it, mainly to avoid missing a day. I guess it's past midnight so it will look like I missed a day anyway. It was worth a shot.

Back at the parents soon-to-be-ex-townhome. Tomorrow will be a fun filled day of loading trucks. I should be asleep so I can be helpful tomorrow, but instead I am up on AIM and soon to break out some hero wars if Mark and Bob are still kicking it. They are both lame and can't host, so expect me to do it. I guess I should be good for something ln life!

Nothing awe-inspiring happened in my head today. Therefore, I have nothing to report. We saw a sweet Air Force Museum and drove for most of the evening.

My mom's cat is scared to death of me.


Bob said...

for the record we both tried to fix the reasons we could not host, but are sadly to stupid to have won

Andrew said...

It's ok. I can always use a reason to feel important!

Anonymous said...

how on earth did you scare your mom's kitty? Mum

Andrew said...

She is just antisocial... runs from me whenever she sees me.

Anonymous said...

ok I fucking live with you and only find out about this shameful, shameful blog through bob?!


Andrew said...

I only started a week ago... not sure I've really seen you much since then. I'll be sure to spam all my future endeavors though... whether you like it or not!