Friday, April 27, 2007

Small Joys

So today has been a day of small joys. Little things keep making me happy.

For one, Google updated the style of their custom homepage to give everything a border and some tighter margins. It's just more visually appealing, and I find myself looking at my homepage for no other reason than that it's pretty.

Secondly, I ran across this (rather old) post about "real databases" that I thought was priceless. If only I could go back in time and hand this to my bosses at work when they laughed at me for suggesting we move our app to MySQL. We pay well over $100k a year for database licenses, and frankly I don't think MySQL lacks anything we need. Oh well, I am mainly bitter about being laughed at in the meeting, the fact we are wasting a ton of money isn't really my problem.

Also, now that I understand how to user rdoc at a basic level, I managed to generate the rdocs for various plugins I have installed, as well as the ruby standard library. This means I can accomplish more programming without the internet.

To top that, I found that hostal in Nerja that I like online, and sent them an email. Hopefully we will be able to get a room there. I was just happy they had a website.

Ademas, (I'm running out of synonyms for 'also' so I'm using some Spanish ones), I'm slightly less sick than yesterday. On the upside, I used my sick time today to read up on acts_as_ferret, and now have a general grasp of how to use it. Just found a page defining the query language used by ferret (FQL) and was delighted to find it already does prefix queries, which is what I was prepared to implement. Overall, I think using acts_as_ferret will be easier than my existing MySQL search.

Anyway, I'm off to find other fun things to read about. Happy Birthday (in a couple days) Bob!


harry said...

"alakriti: Real programmers don't comment their code. It was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."