Thursday, April 12, 2007


So it has been rainy and cold for about two weeks now. It has rained nearly every day. I just want some warm weather!

Just read this excellent article on hiring and retaining high quality programmers. It reads like a laundry list of complaints I have about my current job. I have been working away on my work requests, trying to get stuff done in time enough to not get fired. Sadly at this point I almost kind of want them to make the decision for me. If only it weren't for money and my need of it. Just hoping to stay employed through the end of May.

In other news, steadily improving my Ruby-Fu. I desperately need a graphic designer though... harry? I take comfort in the fact that Google is so minimal because Larry and Sergy were bad at graphic design too, but I'm not trying to create the next Google either.

Yesterday I was reading a wiki about blocks and procs in ruby. I'd forgotten how much fun this stuff was. It brought back my Scheme and I'm resolved to read through Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs again. Need a way to not have to worry about money and just nerd it up again. I'm determined to find a way!

Anyway, back to coding.