Friday, April 13, 2007

Holy Cards Batman!

So a new Magic set comes out in two weeks! I wish I was back so I could participate in the joy of opening boosters. Oh well.

Stayed up late last night (a whopping 2am, how weak) working on the site. It was fun times. I hope to get some more done this weekend. I am trying to get it together enough to deploy a test version to another machine so I can do payment integration. That should be a fun problem to solve. Also a few big areas to rough out, and some general prettying up to do. Hoping to show it off to Bob and Mark soonish.

Also, to continue my drewishness, I added a sheet to my spreadsheet to track the balances of my credit cards, in an effort to control spending like I used to. My freshman year of college, I lived on $600 a month. I know that is impossible now (my rent was a paltry $188 back then), but I'd like to try and shave $100/mo or so.

Of course, I could just go back to Ramen and Spagetti-O's and shave a couple hundred right there. But I like Chipotle and I like Taco Johns, and recently I have been quite proud at my fledging ability to cook. For instance, yesterday I took drum sticks and covered them in garlic and oregano and cooked them. That is an accomplishment for me. I also found that fruit is good when you don't let it rot on the counter.

But I still miss Chipotle.