Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Tres Semanas

So I kinda haven't been blogging. Oops.

I've been in Ronda a little over three weeks now, and am settling into a routine. I wake up at 8, shower and eat a sandwich and yogurt, go to class from 9am to 2pm, eat a big lunch, do household chores, get on the internet from 4ish to 9ish, then eat dinner, do homework, and sleep. It's actually kind of nice. I sleep a solid 9 hours a night but I feel like I have a ton of free time each day. I think it's because I actually wake up semi-earlyish, instead of at 11 or noon like I was in Lawrence.

I have once again been working on the Magic site. I wrote scripts to automate the scraping of several card databases for card info and pictures. I have all the card info loaded now, and am about a quarter of the way through downloading the pictures. I also switched the templating to HAML, instead of ERb... it's much cleaner and faster to write. Only thing that bothers me is there seems to be a lack of flexibility to do some things. Not sure if I'm going to just write helpers for everything or try to modify HAML a bit to do what I want. The problem I am having is conditionally outputting tags. I don't like putting html in the helpers because it seems like that should be in the view templates. However, I am timid about patching HAML myself, because frankly I'm not that good at ruby yet. For now I am avoiding doing any fancy design, because I tend to get bogged down in it (since I'm not a designer per se).

I was thinking last night that when I return to the states, I'm going to try and work from 9am to 2pm so I can maintain this same schedule. I really like it. Op, class time!