Wednesday, January 10, 2007


So I found a library in Huntingburg that seems to have unrestricted internet access. However, since things couldn't go that smoothly, they have four access points running on the same channel. This creates a constant bouncing effect that essentially slows the wireless to a super-crawl. I am going to try finding a place where I can only see one access point, but my bet is the place is too small. I'm stealing a wire right now from one of their surfing machines, but my guess is that this will get me kicked out at some point.

On the way home I plan to try the parking lots of the local hotels. Only problem will be the power issue. Short of going in the hotels and ganking an outlet in the lobby, not sure how I would pull that one off.

Anyway, hopefully I won't get kicked out of here. Going to go map out the access points and see what I can find.