Sunday, November 12, 2006

Straight No Chaser

So this week was quite the terrible one, but I choose not to pour out my sorrows to teh interwebs, because then I'd just be another whiney blogger. Things are hard, but they will get better, one way or the other. Think right now I am living on a strange sense of denial and fools hope for the future, but I imagine that will kick me in the nuts eventually.

Last couple days, my life has been Magic, basketball, and flash games. leads me to such glory as Storm the House 2, which everyone should beat at least once in order to see the glorious hidden weapon.

Magic has been fun, and is getting me ramped up for deckbuilding again, which should lead to more magic playing, which should lead to more motivation to work on the site.

Oh, and working out is a good waste of a couple hours a day.

Not incredibly much else happening lately, other than aforementioned sorrow. I try to stay either busy or asleep, as time to think usually goes poorly. Also kind of avoiding talking to my parents, as I just don't want to explain anything. Guess I'll have to give in to their calls eventually. Normally I enjoy talking to them.

Spain is 11 weeks and one day away. Looking forward to having something to work towards (schoolwise) again. Not really sure what I'll do after that, it's a tossup between grad school or staying in spain at the moment. We shall see. Most likely depends on my motivational state at the time. Another option is coming home to make millions with Bob. I particularly like that option. Obviously I'll do that.

The cats are absurdly hyper right now. I'm sure it will end in tragedy. Anal Kitty looks like a coked-out-timebomb right now. I opened a drawer and she jumped about three feet in the air, which for her is a lot of exerted effort.

Anyway, my general rule when blogging is that if you degenerate into talking about the cats flying (yes flying) around your room, then you are done. So I will be done, after pasting in the following lyrics that struck me as appropriate during my drive home the other day.

"drink life as it comes
straight no chaser
straight no chaser
drink life as it comes
straight no chaser
keep on driving
hair left morning wet
there's nothing like losing you
there's nothing like losing you"
Bush, Straight No Chaser
(Don't worry, this blog won't get too sappy, just indulge me for a bit, as things are tough right now.)
"You do something to me that I can't explain.
So would I be out of line if I said 'I miss you'?

I see your picture.
I smell your skin on
The empty pillow next to mine.
You have only been gone ten days,
But already I'm wasting away.
I know I'll see you again
Whether far or soon.
But I need you to know that I care,
And I miss you."
Incubus, I Miss You