Friday, February 01, 2008

Display Technology

Wow... all I can say is that these two videos must be the coolest things I have seen in a long time. The first one is on Head Tracking for VR Displays and the second Automatic Projector Calibration. The implications for such things are crazy.

The projector calibration technology especially excites me. The fact that it works with unmodified projectors (the magic is in the screen and software) is just brilliant for one. More usefully, this would allow for high quality mobile displays... that are lightweight. Imagine having a 30x24 inch screen that is no thicker than a piece of cardboard. A projector would be mounted in the ceiling of each corner of the room. You could then carry the screen anywhere in the room, at any angle, and have a highly visible work surface. Collaborating with others would be a matter of carrying your screen over to them. Add the touch screen technology in another of his videos and you could do away with the mouse all together... and put a keyboard on the screen and you could type without an actual physical keyboard. If something happened to your screen, no problem, it's cheap cardboard with some optical fibers. All the money is in the projector, which is safely mounted elsewhere. Spill water on it, who cares.

I think the VR tech could be built on to finally make useful 3D television. The only real issue left is making it work for multiple viewpoints at once. But even with only one viewpoint, having fully useful 3D without those silly red/blue glasses would be awesome.

This guy is innovating, and man, is he good.


Anonymous said...

It is amazing to me how specialized language dealing with specific areas of knowledge becomes--and that 20 years ago most of what you have just posted about and much of what I do everyday was totally unknown/undeveloped.
I'm glad you are better.