Thursday, February 14, 2008


Went and saw Manson on Monday night. It was a blast. Harry posted his review, which I generally agree with, so I'll save you the babbling.

This week at work has been great. Ken gave us a deadline, and that has put me into overdrive. I love deadlines. Maybe it's the effect that school had on me, but I work best with a deadline. Especially a close one. Much has been accomplished. It mostly forced me to just finish up the tables I have instead of looking for ways to refactor. I like the refactoring better, especially since I still have a half dozen things I'd like to tackle, but it's easy to put off the tables themselves without a deadline for them.

I haven't been doing much in the spare time other than play dota, read, or sleep. I need to go back and visit my grandpa and parents this weekend. It has been like three or four weeks, and with grandpa in the hospital lately, that seems like quite a while. I have just been sick and reluctant to visit in case I infect him. I hear he has been moved to a rehab facility that is quite nice, so hopefully things are improving for him now. (He just had some very major open heart surgery at 75.)

Tomorrow is February 15th! Yay!

I'm still on track to hit financial goals for this month and next. I'm still debating on whether I want to work Spring Break week or take it off. I guess I should check with my brother and see if he still wants to road trip. It would be nice to have the extra week's pay, which would buy me another 24" monitor and the video card I want, but a week off is always nice too. The thing is, I only have about 14 weeks left here anyway, so not like I really need a break.