Friday, February 29, 2008


Hundredth post! Yay!

Had an excellent lunch at Vermont St BBQ today. It's been a long time since I felt this satisfied in general. There is just something about today that is awesome feeling. I am definitely looking forward to a nap after work though.

I ran across one of my favorite programming blog posts again today. It had been a while since I last read it, so I gave it another go. I must say, The Kingdom of Nouns pretty much describes perfectly why Java now frustrates me. Admittedly, after working with it the last few months, I have come to tolerate it much better, but I do miss my Ruby/Erlang/Scheme fun.

In just 84 days my summer vacation starts. Woohoo!


Anonymous said...

the delight in the day has everything to do with the fact that it is finally the last day of a rather brutal February AND the delightful weather. Yea!