Monday, March 05, 2007

Que Mala Suerte

Well Ben finally got here. His first flight was delayed an entire day due to bad weather in the US. Then his second flight got into Paris two hours late, so he missed his third flight and had to take another one 7 hours later. When he finally got to Malaga (31 hours later than originally planned), his bag was still in Paris. It was supposed to arrive the next day, but it wasn't there, so now they are supposed to send it to us. At least we are about the same size, so he is wearing my clothes. Hopefully we will get it tomorrow!

Had my monthly test this morning. It was harder than I expected, but I only needed a 50% to pass, and I know I easily got that. Considering I didn't study at all, it was a success.

Randomly read a really good idea for solving the options backdating issue. I agree completely.

Speaking of IRS changes, I should go finish doing my taxes and submit those. Yay (tiny) refund!