Tuesday, August 05, 2008

New Blog

So the blog has moved over to andrewfarmer.name. I'm leaving this here until I get all the links converted over for old entries and get the comments imported.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Tropical Storm

So a tropical storm is going to hit us tomorrow. If we get lucky it might get fed a bit and turn into a category 1 hurricane, but it's extremely unlikely. I guess I'm fine with that though... don't want anything to happen to my precious computer. ;)

Spent many hours working on my learn-ramaze project. Hopefully you'll see the fruits of that in a day or two. Since I worked on that all day, I failed to exercise again, but hit all the other goals. Oh well, my body is almost not sore, so maybe the two day break was good for it.

Anyway, been on the computer for about 15 hours today, so going to go read the Economist and sleep.

Sunday, August 03, 2008


Acquired more fruit, then promptly failed on the exercising. I'm going to claim that it is Sunday, and that somehow relates to not exercising. Got a little bit of work done this morning before the sun came up, but managed to fritter away the rest of the day on inconsequentials.

Oh well, there is always tomorrow. At least I haven't had a coke since I started this. That goal will hopefully stick on a daily basis.

Saturday, August 02, 2008


Watched the newest Stargate movie... Continuum. Thankfully the dialog wasn't total crap (like it was in Ark of Truth) so it was quite enjoyable. Ark of Truth was kind of a bad first effort in the SG-1-as-movie thing that MGM has embarked on, but Continuum restored my faith. It was basically like one long episode of the series, which is definitely a good thing.

All the goals were met today, except for the consumption of fruit. Sadly we are out of anything fruit-like, but I don't feel too terrible, as my jogging was much easier than usual and I spent 5 or 6 hours working with Ramaze. (Which definitely blows my 1 hr goal out of the water.)

On that note, Ramaze is great. I had a blast with it today and plan to rock out some more productivity when I wake up in the morning. Buenas noches.

Friday, August 01, 2008

Bob Saget

... for the win.

All the goals were accomplished today. I also discovered the glory that is Ramaze. Finally a framework that lets me write sweet ruby without getting in my way. So far it has been a blast and I look forward to doing more with it tomorrow.

Watched Running With Scissors tonight. The movie itself seems like a running list of non-sequiturs intermixed with brief moments of lucidity, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Kind of bittersweet in the end, but really well made. This movie brings the crazy in a way that I Heart Huckabees and Little Miss Sunshine can only dream about.