Monday, April 14, 2008


So I found A Mathematician's Lament today. For anyone that really hated math classes, or even mildly disliked them, I very much recommend reading it. His description of math education is uncannily accurate, and disturbing to boot. It actually kind of inspires me to be a math teacher. If you don't want to sit through the whole thing (it's 25 pages), I highly recommend the first couple pages, the section starting at page 14, and pages 21-25.

I put in my six weeks notice today. Summer is finally coming.

Have a firm timeline for the project with Tyler and Scott. Lots will be happening with that in the next couple weeks. Hopefully things will go well.

I'm uber-tired right now, so that is all you get. Go read that link!


Anonymous said...

Loved the article!! Absolutely correct! My algebra teacher in jr high was wonderful and used much of this author's strategy. Unfortunately, Algebra II and Calc teachers were awful.... which is why Calculus is still a bit of an enigma. I just want to know what it means---not the formulas (which is how I passed--because I could regurgitate them.)
Excellent and thanks for sharing.